

I’ll be maintaining this on github https://github.com/tbillington/bevy_best_practices.

I don’t expect to be updating this page going forward.

Bevy Best Practices

Up to date as of Bevy 0.11, see above for up to date version

This a living document describing the coding style I’ve found useful in my Bevy projects.


System Scheduling



Name and Cleanup

All entities must be spawned with a Name and cleanup component at the front of the bundle.

Names assist with debugging. Cleanup components indicate to which state the entity belongs, and to remove it upon exit of that state.

By always having these two “meta” components at the front it makes it easy to spot entities where they are missing.


You can read more about the cleanup pattern I’m using in the bevy cheatbook.

System Scheduling

Update systems should be bounded

All systems added to the Update schedule should be bound by run conditions on State and SystemSet.

Run states enables easy enabling/disbling of groups of behaviour & reduces systems running when they don’t need to.

For example, changing PlayingState to PlayingState::Paused will automatically disable all systems that progress the game and enable systems handle actions related to the pause menu.

System sets force coarse grained ordering leading to predictable behaviour between different parts of the game.

There can be exceptions to this, for example you may have background music or UI animations that should continue in both Playing and Paused.

    (handle_player_input, camera_view_update)

Co-locate system registration for the same State

State transitions should have setup and cleanup specific systems. Their OnEnter and OnExit registration should co-located.

This means it’s easy to see the setup systems and that it has a cleanup system to run.

.add_systems(OnEnter(GameState::MainMenu), main_menu_setup)
.add_systems(OnExit(GameState::MainMenu), cleanup_system::<CleanupMenuClose>)
.add_systems(Update, (...).run_if(in_state(GameState::MainMenu)))


Explicit ordering

Event readers should be ordered after their respective writers within the frame. Undefined ordering between writers and readers can lead to subtle out of order bugs. Delaying communication across frames is often not intentionally desired. If it is something you want it should be made explicit.

There are exceptions for systems like achievements or analytics, but I’d only recommend excluding them from ordering if you have a good reason. Often they will not be computationally intense, so having them all run at the end of frame is fine.

You can achieve this by using event_producer.before(event_consumer) or (event_producer, event_consumer).chain() when adding systems for systems within the same SystemSet. For events that cross a SystemSet boundary this should be taken care of by the ordering of the SystemSets in your app.configure_sets() call.

Explicit event handling system run criteria

Systems that only do work based on an event should have that as part of their run condition.

fn handle_player_level_up_event(mut events: EventReader<PlayerLevelUpEvent>) {
    events.iter().for_each(|e| {
        // ...



Write helper utilities for common operations


Tag entities with a cleanup Zero Sized Type (ZST) component. We can then add our cleanup utility system with our new cleanup component as the type. This creates a simple and consistent way to remove all entities marked with the component when transitioning or exiting certain states.

struct CleanupInGamePlayingExit;

fn cleanup_system<T: Component>(mut commands: Commands, q: Query<Entity, With<T>>) {
    q.for_each(|e| {

// When spawning entities

// Add to state transition

Credit to bevy cheatbook.

Getter Macros

When working with queries and the Entity type, often you’ll be matching on the outcome to exit early if the entity was not found.

The tedium of writing match expressions all over the place to return early can be avoided through a few simple macros. I’ve provided a one but you can imagine more variations based on the methods on Query.

Do be careful when using these, as opposed to the panicing methods like query.single(), these will silently return. This may be appropriate for your game, however it could also lead to bugs and unusual behaviour if they were supposed to succeed.

You could even make variations of these that return in release but panic in debug if that fits your use case.

fn print_window_size(windows: Query<&Window>) {
    let window = get_single!(windows);
    println!("Window Size: {}", window.resolution);

macro_rules! get_single {
    ($q:expr) => {
        match $q.get_single() {
            Ok(m) => m,
            _ => return,


Bevy utlises a prelude module to great effect for easy access to common imports. We can do the same!

By creating a prelude module in our project and exporting the various types that are commonly used within our game we can greatly cut down on the number of imports we need to maintain. You can also bring in the preludes from commonly used dependencies if you like. I have done that here with bevy and rand.

A nice side effect of this pattern is moving around code or refactoring doesn’t require changes in as many places. If you restructure your audio code, you only need to update how it’s presented in the prelude, assuming the rest of your project utilises the prelude.


pub(crate) use bevy::prelude::*;
pub(crate) use rand::prelude::*;

// Common items available at the root of the prelude
pub(crate) use crate::{Enemy, Health};

// Specific areas can be nested within their own module for self documenting use
pub(crate) mod audio {
    pub(crate) use crate::audio::{EventPlaySFX, SFXKind};


use crate::prelude::*;

fn handle_enemy_health_changed(
    mut commands: Commands,
    enemies: Query<(&Health, Entity), (With<Enemy>, Changed<Health>)>,
    mut play_sfx: EventWriter<audio::EventPlaySFX>,
) {
    enemies.for_each(|(health, id)| {
        if health.current <= 0. {
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