SciencePresence - Your science notes.
Kondo 🧹 - Down with node_modules!
Misc - older/smaller stuff.
I’m making SciencePresence as a way to easily note down papers you’re interested in, organise, and share them.

I also learnt to make a video for it if that’s more your speed, complete with youtuber thumbnail. Edited with
Save disk space by cleaning non-essential files from software projects. I started Kondo to make coding on my 2013 macbook air bearable, and to learn rust.
Rust Serverless Platform
A demonstration of how you could build your own “serverless” platform with data persistence in only 200~ lines of simple, safe code.
It combines deno (rust v8 runtime), axum (http library), and rusqlite (sqlite) to build a Function as a Service (FaaS)-like application with file-system backed storage.
I demoed this first as a live coding talk at Rust Sydney, the repo is the cleaned up version.
Often I find myself jumping around node projects frequently, and it’s annoying to open the package.json to discover how to run/build them because of course everyone uses a different verb. pj
is cat + json parse + colour.
Displaying scripts
Display dependencies
Global Game Jam 2017 - Waveball
My teams entry for global game jam, theme was “waves”. We created a 2 player side on basketball/netball style game where you play as a wave trying to scope by shooting the ball into the opponents side. I drank a lot of coffee.